Friday, March 4, 2011


High School Junior Suffers Loss That Has Yet To Occur
Sometimes age-appropriate comments are harder than you think. Both my parents chose to be cremated when they died. Our son was 5 at the time, and he wanted to know what happened to grandma and grandpa's bodies! I didn't want to say, but I swore I would never lie to him, so I told him they were cremated, and what that meant. He was horrified and wanted to know if it "hurt." I explained that the dead couldn't feel anything, but he kept pressing me for more information. Then he said, "When I die, please don't burn me. Could you just wrap me in a blanket and put me on the couch?" With a lump in my throat, I said sure.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Passion fruit juice cocktail project.

passion fruits

Passion fruit cocktail.

Passion fruit are highly nutritions. And all the passion fruit, there benefit to the body parts. We can see the market in fruit shops where we can find a passion fruit. Passion fruit juice drink for solve the appetite, relieve a sore throat, care skin and eyes . And important thing, it can immune diseases. The next, there are application from the passion fruit juice up to date more for people know the passion fruits in new style. There are development tastes of the passion fruit juice. We can used alcohol for mixed with passion fruit juice. We can make cocktail for drinker get aexotic of passion fruit when apply to cocktail.
Cocktail is bringing liquor mixed together or mixed with fruit juice. It has come a very long time in Europe. Cocktail drinks is that any kind of wine as the main ingredients. Then cooked flovor and tastes to invite more drinks with other beverages, the smell and taste different place.
  • shaker (for mixed)
  • jigger
  • glass cocktail
  • fabric filter
  • knife
  • spoon
  • pot
  • ladle
  • gas stove
How to do
  1. Bring the passion fruit and used knife rip. After that we scoop passion fruits'seeds.
  2. Bring fabric filter and we dip passion fruit'seeds on fabric filter.
  3. We used fabric filter for filter water from seeds
  4. Mixed the sugar with passion fruit juice.
  5. bring passion fruit juice that mixed ready to boil.
  6. After that we use equipment for mixed cocktail.
  • pour passion fruit juice in shaker.
  • pour Rum 1 oz, Ver mouth 1 oz, syrup 1 oz, coconut milk a half oz and ice.
  • tightly closed shaker and shaking, shake until the cap of shaker turbidit.
  • poun cocktail in glass cocktail and decorate for beauty.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

week 10 (Out class)

The Global Warmimg

The global warming occurs when the earth temperature rises. It happens when greenhouse gasses trap heat and light from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere,which increases the temperature. The main greenhouse gasses are carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane.It has an effect on every living thing on earth. Human beings are the main cause of global warming.We have been destroying our world by the car burns fuel, electricity consumption, destroy the nature, and garbage. Effect of the global warming are high temperature, Natural disaster such as flood, drought.

From bar chart,we can see about flood in the past 5 years of Thailand.In 2006 the flood occurred 28 times and 48 provinces were damaged by the flood.And 2007 the flood occurred increase to 31 times and 53 provinces damaged by the flood.The flood occurred and provinces were damaged by the flood increased sharply in 2009 to 2010.

As you can see the number of provinces damaged by the flood increased gradually.
How to reduce the global warming
1)Use efficiency light bulbs. To change the light efficiency light bulbs.It can reduce carbons dioxide up to 300 pounds and approximately 2,000 per years.
2)Check your water heater.Don’t adjust the temperature of your water heater up to 120 F,It can help reduce carbon dioxide
3)Don’t use plastic bags. You can use shopping bags.
4)Keep water bottles and you can bring recycles.
5)Use recycled paper. It can help reduce carbon dioxide up to about 5 pounds per 100 sheets of paper.

These are the easiest ways that you can do at your house.Remember the world is in own hand.Don’t ask other whether they are trying to stop global warming or not. Start at yourselves now.

Week 9 (Out class)

Overview of the Silent Way
Caleb Gattegno founded the silent way as a method for language learning in the early 70s, sharing many of the same essential principles as the cognitive code and making good use of the theories underlying discovery learning. Some of Gattagno's basic theories were that" The teacher should be subodinated" and " The teacher works with the student; the student work on the language". The most prominent characteristic of the medthod was that the teacher typically stayed "silent" most of the time, as part of his/her rule as facilitator and stimulator, and thus the method's popular name. Language learning is usually seen as problem solving activity to be engaged in by the students both independently and as a group, and the teacher needs to stay out of way in the process as much as posible.

Objective of the Silent Way
Teacher using the way want their students to become highly independent and experrimental learner. Marking errors is a natal part of the process learning process is seen as trial and error. The teacher tries to facilitate activities whereby the students discover for themselves the conceptual rule governing the language, rether than imitating or memorizing them.

Key Features
Richard and Robgers, they describe the key heories uderlying the silent way.
1. Learning is facilitated if the learner discover or creats rather than remembers and repeats what is to be learn.
2. Learning is facilitated by accompanying physical object
3. Learning is the facilitated by problem-soving the meterial to be learned.

Typical Techniques
Larsen-Freeman says in his book techniques and principles in language teaching provides expanded descriptions of some common/typical techniques closely associated with te silent way. The listing here is in summary from only.
- sound color chart
- teacher's silent
- peer correction
- rods
- self correction gestures
- word chart
- fidel chart
- structured feedback.

Sound color chart
Teacher refers students to a color-coded wall chart depicting individual sound in the target language-students use this point out and build words with correct pronunciation.