Sunday, January 30, 2011

Passion fruit juice cocktail project.

passion fruits

Passion fruit cocktail.

Passion fruit are highly nutritions. And all the passion fruit, there benefit to the body parts. We can see the market in fruit shops where we can find a passion fruit. Passion fruit juice drink for solve the appetite, relieve a sore throat, care skin and eyes . And important thing, it can immune diseases. The next, there are application from the passion fruit juice up to date more for people know the passion fruits in new style. There are development tastes of the passion fruit juice. We can used alcohol for mixed with passion fruit juice. We can make cocktail for drinker get aexotic of passion fruit when apply to cocktail.
Cocktail is bringing liquor mixed together or mixed with fruit juice. It has come a very long time in Europe. Cocktail drinks is that any kind of wine as the main ingredients. Then cooked flovor and tastes to invite more drinks with other beverages, the smell and taste different place.
  • shaker (for mixed)
  • jigger
  • glass cocktail
  • fabric filter
  • knife
  • spoon
  • pot
  • ladle
  • gas stove
How to do
  1. Bring the passion fruit and used knife rip. After that we scoop passion fruits'seeds.
  2. Bring fabric filter and we dip passion fruit'seeds on fabric filter.
  3. We used fabric filter for filter water from seeds
  4. Mixed the sugar with passion fruit juice.
  5. bring passion fruit juice that mixed ready to boil.
  6. After that we use equipment for mixed cocktail.
  • pour passion fruit juice in shaker.
  • pour Rum 1 oz, Ver mouth 1 oz, syrup 1 oz, coconut milk a half oz and ice.
  • tightly closed shaker and shaking, shake until the cap of shaker turbidit.
  • poun cocktail in glass cocktail and decorate for beauty.


  1. Wow!I like Passion fruit juice cocktail project because I think is delicious. This blog is vary interesting for Learner English.

  2. Well but the VDO is very quietly. i like passion fruit and when I read can understand easily good job.

  3. i'm generally love this fruits,good smell. and you make me more excited about this kind of fruit.. wow you know how to make a good cocktail wish passion fruits. i really want to try it:). anyways your English skill is now getting more progress but please do not stop to make it better because improve yourself. if you make this product or you going to sale the passion fruit cocktail as a commercial so i would love to be the first person who buy it .. really!!

  4. Well, I personally love passion fruit...It's not too sweet and not too sour. Everything is in the good balance. Can't wait to try one btw....

    And it's the cocktail! I love cocktail too! I think I'll have to make one for myself...someday...

  5. I think some sentences are ungrammatical.

  6. Practice more to be a professional presenter.

    (Ajarn Orada Opasrattanakorn)
