Sunday, January 30, 2011

Passion fruit juice cocktail project.

passion fruits

Passion fruit cocktail.

Passion fruit are highly nutritions. And all the passion fruit, there benefit to the body parts. We can see the market in fruit shops where we can find a passion fruit. Passion fruit juice drink for solve the appetite, relieve a sore throat, care skin and eyes . And important thing, it can immune diseases. The next, there are application from the passion fruit juice up to date more for people know the passion fruits in new style. There are development tastes of the passion fruit juice. We can used alcohol for mixed with passion fruit juice. We can make cocktail for drinker get aexotic of passion fruit when apply to cocktail.
Cocktail is bringing liquor mixed together or mixed with fruit juice. It has come a very long time in Europe. Cocktail drinks is that any kind of wine as the main ingredients. Then cooked flovor and tastes to invite more drinks with other beverages, the smell and taste different place.
  • shaker (for mixed)
  • jigger
  • glass cocktail
  • fabric filter
  • knife
  • spoon
  • pot
  • ladle
  • gas stove
How to do
  1. Bring the passion fruit and used knife rip. After that we scoop passion fruits'seeds.
  2. Bring fabric filter and we dip passion fruit'seeds on fabric filter.
  3. We used fabric filter for filter water from seeds
  4. Mixed the sugar with passion fruit juice.
  5. bring passion fruit juice that mixed ready to boil.
  6. After that we use equipment for mixed cocktail.
  • pour passion fruit juice in shaker.
  • pour Rum 1 oz, Ver mouth 1 oz, syrup 1 oz, coconut milk a half oz and ice.
  • tightly closed shaker and shaking, shake until the cap of shaker turbidit.
  • poun cocktail in glass cocktail and decorate for beauty.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

week 10 (Out class)

The Global Warmimg

The global warming occurs when the earth temperature rises. It happens when greenhouse gasses trap heat and light from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere,which increases the temperature. The main greenhouse gasses are carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane.It has an effect on every living thing on earth. Human beings are the main cause of global warming.We have been destroying our world by the car burns fuel, electricity consumption, destroy the nature, and garbage. Effect of the global warming are high temperature, Natural disaster such as flood, drought.

From bar chart,we can see about flood in the past 5 years of Thailand.In 2006 the flood occurred 28 times and 48 provinces were damaged by the flood.And 2007 the flood occurred increase to 31 times and 53 provinces damaged by the flood.The flood occurred and provinces were damaged by the flood increased sharply in 2009 to 2010.

As you can see the number of provinces damaged by the flood increased gradually.
How to reduce the global warming
1)Use efficiency light bulbs. To change the light efficiency light bulbs.It can reduce carbons dioxide up to 300 pounds and approximately 2,000 per years.
2)Check your water heater.Don’t adjust the temperature of your water heater up to 120 F,It can help reduce carbon dioxide
3)Don’t use plastic bags. You can use shopping bags.
4)Keep water bottles and you can bring recycles.
5)Use recycled paper. It can help reduce carbon dioxide up to about 5 pounds per 100 sheets of paper.

These are the easiest ways that you can do at your house.Remember the world is in own hand.Don’t ask other whether they are trying to stop global warming or not. Start at yourselves now.

Week 9 (Out class)

Overview of the Silent Way
Caleb Gattegno founded the silent way as a method for language learning in the early 70s, sharing many of the same essential principles as the cognitive code and making good use of the theories underlying discovery learning. Some of Gattagno's basic theories were that" The teacher should be subodinated" and " The teacher works with the student; the student work on the language". The most prominent characteristic of the medthod was that the teacher typically stayed "silent" most of the time, as part of his/her rule as facilitator and stimulator, and thus the method's popular name. Language learning is usually seen as problem solving activity to be engaged in by the students both independently and as a group, and the teacher needs to stay out of way in the process as much as posible.

Objective of the Silent Way
Teacher using the way want their students to become highly independent and experrimental learner. Marking errors is a natal part of the process learning process is seen as trial and error. The teacher tries to facilitate activities whereby the students discover for themselves the conceptual rule governing the language, rether than imitating or memorizing them.

Key Features
Richard and Robgers, they describe the key heories uderlying the silent way.
1. Learning is facilitated if the learner discover or creats rather than remembers and repeats what is to be learn.
2. Learning is facilitated by accompanying physical object
3. Learning is the facilitated by problem-soving the meterial to be learned.

Typical Techniques
Larsen-Freeman says in his book techniques and principles in language teaching provides expanded descriptions of some common/typical techniques closely associated with te silent way. The listing here is in summary from only.
- sound color chart
- teacher's silent
- peer correction
- rods
- self correction gestures
- word chart
- fidel chart
- structured feedback.

Sound color chart
Teacher refers students to a color-coded wall chart depicting individual sound in the target language-students use this point out and build words with correct pronunciation.

week 9 (out class)

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce myself. My name is Uayporn Julirutchaneekorn. I’m a third year student in English major at faculty of Education, Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhut University. Today I will talk about Using cloze techniques to improve reading and writing abilities by Ratana Vattanapath and Songsri Soranastaporn. On this research can be divide into three topic, introduction , methodology, and results.

Now let look at the first aspect which is introduction. The rapid
growth of telecommunications networks and electronic commerce
worldwide has led to more competitiveness in business and
communications. English also plays a significant role. The person
able to communicate at a high ability level in English will have
unlimited opportunities in this growing global culture. So English
teacher at every level work harder and they work in a scientific way to
keep up the high quality of their teaching. In class research would
truly result in improved teaching and learning process.
One of these research open to research is cloze technique. Teaching
technique are eclectic according to both students’ and teacher,
proficiency in this study because cloze has been used to test reading
proficiency of native speakers and cloze has also been used to test
overall ESL proficiency. Cloze exercises are used in Thailand for
testing and exercises at all levels. Cloze test, as defined by Harolds S.
Madsen (1983), is a prose passage, usually a paragraph or more in
length from which words have been deleted. The student relies on the
context in order to supply the missing words. It is an integrative test
which Oller claims to be a valid and reliable device for measuring
overall language proficiency. The purpose of the study this study was
to investigate the effectiveness of the cloze teaching technique for
increasing the reading comprehension abilities of first year nursing
students at Mahidol University. This study was conducted. The first ,
to determine the abilities in English of nursing students, who were
categorized into three levels (low, medium, and high) learning
through the cloze teaching techniques. The second, to determine the
attitudes of nursing students learning through the cloze teaching

That’s all I would like to say about introduction and now let us turn to
methodology. Research methodology are the first, participants The
subjects of this study were 44 first year nursing students of mahidol
University. They are from Siriraj Hospital and they attended English
class in the first and second semester of the 2003-2004 academic year.
The second, The research design are the pre-test of 50 question
consisting of grammar, reading comprehension, and cloze was given
to the students before the teaching procedure. Then, the students were
taught and trained with cloze exercises in regular English class for 10-
15 minutes once a week. The training took 14 weeks for each
semester. Finally, the post-test was given to the students after
finishing the teaching. The third , research instruments are tests.
Which is used for both pre-test and post-test for this study, was
developed by the researchers. Lesson plans , the lesson plans for this
group were constructed on the basis of the objective and goals of the
department of foreign language. Teaching materials are strategies for
success is a teaching material for training students how to read
English textbooks effectively. Say It Right is used for training
students to pronounce English words, phrases, and sentences
correctly. Passages helps students apply what they learned in
strategies for success. Function for future career helps familiarize
students with language functions that they will use in their future
career. Listening in Situation challenges students to use English in
various contexts from everyday life and nursing. Outside Reading
Materials encourages students to apply reading strategies and
language functions outside the classroom as well as to familiar them
with authentic materials to science and health science. That’s all I
would like to say about research methodology and now let us turn to results. The results of the study reveal that every student of the group
improved his or her English ability significantly after being taught
using the cloze technique. They can use the cloze teaching technique when they have to take the test.

I’d like to summarize up in this presentation we see about using
cloze technique to improve reading and writing abilities. It can
developed reading and writing abilities. The cloze technique can used
in class. Cloze greatly improves a student's English ability. Grammar
and vocabulary play important roles in reading comprehension. Once
students clearly understand the grammar and have the ability to guess
the meaning of unfamiliar words in contexts, they can comprehend
what read easier.
I would like to finish by reminding everyone that have a question.

week 9 (Out clas)

ก. นามวลี
1.) +ประธาน+กริยา+กรรม
- น้ำท่วมกรุง



4.)ประโยคเดี๋ยวหรือเรียงกัน 2 หรือ 3 ประโยค
- ตื่นททองถูก เข้าคิวซื้อ วุ่นทั้งกรุง

5.)ขึ้นด้วยคำว่า "คาด" "ว่า"
-คาดปัญหาน้ำมันเข้าที่ประชุม ครม. วันนี้


1.)+N+V-ing P
-Exports gaining speed

2.)+N+V-ed P
-Govt trop encircled

3.)+N+Prep P
-Major cuts in budget

4.)N+to V.P
-Cement export to begin this month.

- Hopes collapes for Kanpuchean united front

“Mark” Decrease to opposes the world heritage

At, date 3 January at the government house , Mr. Apisit Veachacheeva prime mister was interviewed to proceeding policy relation between Thailand with Cambodia. The main goal was didn’t want to see tensions between the two countries. Which, that approach to proposed was didn’t have a problem on the world heritage. By he was consult with cambodia. We will be responsible to talk for didn’t crux world heritage come to appose how yes or no. Mr. Surkaun deputy prime minister and minister residence prime minister of cambodia will be meet Mr. Suwit , Mr. Kitti minister of Nature and Environment in this January.
Prime minister said we hoped at least will progress didn’t want problems in meeting committee the world herritage that April was tensely. He didn’t meet majesty. He didn’t meet majesty Hunsen prime minister combadia in this peried, but will meet in meeting ASAN.
Mr. Sutape Tearksuban deputy prime minister security, mention Cambodia didn’t satisfied that the Thai government, postponed the commission border Thailand with Cambodia (JBC) out severy times. It must to understand the reasons explained to Cambodia, during that Mr. Surkaun deputy prime minister of Cambodia will meetand consult with Mr. Suwit, Mr. Kitti in point the world heritage to unfinished. He will talk with Mr. Surkaun in point divide the border because solve a problem didn’t better association.

Bantam very handsome

Materials required:

1)Poster paper Cream, Red, Orange, Dark green , and Green
2)Latex Glue
3)Eakeigong size 1 cm

Step to do:

1)Cut cream poster paper is wattle and mouth as example 1 piece by roll follow dashes line.
2)Cut red poster paper is wattle and mouth as an example 1 piece by roll follow dashed line.
3)Cut orange poster paper is tail inside and cut red poster paper is tail outside as an example 2 piece, then use sharp-pointed of dividers slit follow dashed line is trail, roll up-down follow dashed line.
4)Cut dark green poster paper is wing inside and green is wing outside as an example 2 piece, use sharp-pointed of divider slit follow dashed line, roll up-down follow dashed line.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Week 8 (Out class)

-Don't let me count the drop of tears any more

First drop of tears was falling because you have an owner

The second drop was from my own just only be your reserve

I don't know which one can telling you to know

If you already have someone it shouldn't gives the wish for the other.

I always get hurt repeatedly

I also get a pain again and again or it doesn't enough for you to care

Please don't lets me count the drop of tears anymore. You was holding his hand, while I've had to restain my passion.

How long have I had to count the drop of tears.

How long have I had to cry.

My handkerchief was not enough to absorb the tears anymore.

-Do you see, I've crying almost be exhansted

Last drop of tears remain on but you still tears me to tears again

Stop to saying love while you already have an owner or I have to wait for more If that may be nearly stop breathing

I always get hurt repeatedly

I also get a pain again and again or doesn't enough for you to care.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Week 7 (Out Class)

Return the heart


What happened about our loves?


A good thing old times for the more watery.

เหมือนไม่แคร์กัน ฉันรู้สึกยังไงก็ช่าง

Do not care as well. I feel another guy.

ลองถามหัวใจดูบ้าง ว่ายังรักกันอยู่มั้ย

Try to ask some look heart. That is to love me.


The little finger was always. Look at to see him.


Look at to see him. Pretending to be busy holding belongings.


Walk together I do not want to walk away from my close.

เธอทำให้ฉันเหมือนรู้สึกได้ ว่าคบฉันไปด้วยคำว่า ทน

You made feel me to associate with resistance.

*ถ้ารักกันไปแล้วฝืน ก็คืนหัวใจให้กัน

* If you love with force, it will restore the heart.


Tell you want thing for sometime.

หากคิดว่าเราไม่ใช่ ก็อย่าอยู่ไปเพราะแคร์คำคน

If we were think as we are not,

It would not live because care to word someone.

หากรักเดินทางมาสุดถนน งั้นเราสองคนคงต้องเลิกกัน

If love with come to the end of the road,

we would be to break up.


** Wait for an answer that you stored.


When you are ready will go, it helps explain to me.


This all started with me or you are change mind.

ทุกอย่างเกิดขึ้นเพราะฉัน หรือเธอนั้นเป็นคนเปลี่ยนใจ

This all started with me or you are change mind.


The moment which your heart for without began together.

ทุกอย่างเกิดขึ้นเพราะฉัน หรือเธอนั้น...เป็นคนเปลี่ยนใจ *,**(ซำ)

This all started with me or you are change mind.

Week 7 (In class)

In class to day I'm learningn about If Clause Mixed type. And the teacher assignment in the blog, For example, music, News, etc. And the cher talk about Text types. There are narative, recounts, information, intruction, explanation and expository.
This type If Clause have mixed between If clause type one, If clause type two and If clause type three. For example
- If Jim got the massage which I left him an hours ago, he is writing for me now.
This sentence contains past (unreal) + present (real)
- If Ann went to the ball last night, I didn't see her.
This sentence contains present (unreal) + present (unreal)
- If Tom were rich, he would have bought a nes car.
This sentence contains presnet (unreal) + past (ureal)
-If you had listen to me, you would not be in trouble now.
This sentence contains past (unreal) + present (unreal)