Wednesday, December 22, 2010

(Week 6) Out class

To day I learning about Thai song. This song is song of Wiwawawun play. I livk this song and I translation this song. In song talk about lover. Before they love together have a many story cause with them.

This is the lyrics.

-If the lover meet, It's call a destiny but you and me meet. I think we're have a wrong idea.

From never thinking before, but then one day started to thinking in our familiar.

It's nudge when I'm be with you.

The real lover just want only understanding but you and me are bet, Now much oof our lover.

Dicide to be love,but look again It's seem middle.

No one have anything, if we're mark friend with not real love.

* If too muddle will be love for good. Not to be downheart and to end the conversation.

Don't to be silly to torture a heart, but you and me don't disoute that which one will deficit or lose.

Let's muddle continually it's too hard to surrender each other.

-If such as a chemistry may be can get along well with in everything.

But how about you and me, guess we have to lay down faraway.

When we meet have flame out. diffuse to every where.

Can't conform have to watch out, why don't know.

* If too muddle will be love for good not to be downheart and to end the conversation.

Don't to be silly to torture a heart ,but you and me don't disoute that which one will deficit or lose.

Let's muddle continually it's too hard to surrender each other. (2)

Let's mudle continually it's too hard to surrender each other.

(Week 6 ) in class

Today I learn about If clause, dependent clause and indipendent clause.
If clause is conditional sentences. If clause consists of 2 parts are if clause and main clause.For example If clause sentenses.
-If I miss the bus this afternoon, I will catch get a taxi instead.
If clause can divide as follows.
1. Present /real or possible. The structure is If+V1+will,shall,can,etc+V1. For example
-If he don't come to me, I will go to him.
2. Present /unreal or impossible. The structure is If+V2+would, could, should,etc+V1.For example -If I were a single child, I would be very lonely.
In this structure use "were" with all subject.
3.past unreal. The structure is If+had+V3+Modolidy(can, should,may,etc).For exameple
-Noone told me that you were in hospital.If had know visited you I would have.
Furthermore If clause,I learn about independent clause and dependent clause. Independent clause is a complete thought.the mearning is clear. An indipendent clause a sentence. Dependent clause is not a complete idea. It's not sentence because the mearning is not clear.
Today I review about if clause, dependent clause and independent clause.And I understanding more. I can use in English class at University.

(Week 5) Out class

This song name is The best time.

This song talk about the best time. It may be the time we were with friend, family, girlfriend or boyfriend and everyone who love. The lyrics talking about when we have spent time together. At that time we are very happy together but now we don't live together. Althougn we wouldn't spent time together but we alway think of this time.

(Week 4) in class and out class

In Class
Today I'm study about tense. Tense is grammatical categoly that locates a situation in time. There are 12 pattern for example present simple, present continuous, present perfect, persent perfect continuous, past simple, past continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous, future simple, future continuous, future perfect and furture perfect continuous. Each the pattern have different structure.
Structure of present simple tense is sj+V1.
present continuous tense is sj+be+Ving
present perfect tense is have+V3
present perfect continuous tense is have+V3+be(been)+Ving
past simple tense is sj+V2
past continuous tense is sj+was/were+Ving
past perfect tense is sj+had+V3
past perfect continuous tense is sj+had been+Ving
future simple tense is will+V1
future continous tense is will/shall be+Ving
future perfect tense is will/shall+have+V3
future perfect continous tense is will/shall+been+Ving.Furthermore I learn about tense. I learn about Progressive Aspect is continuous aspect that expresses processes. For example
-She was sleep
-The boy is hitting my dog with strick.
-I'm writing a book on global warming.
-She is living in London.
-She is flying to China tonight.
Prefective aspects is an aspect that expresses a temporal vew of an event or state as a simple whole, apart from the time in which it occurs. For example
-We have lived in Japan since last year.
-I have been to India before
-I have gone to India before
So today I learn 3 topic are tense, progressive aspect and perfective aspect. I can use and apply this know ledge in my learning in and out class.

Out Class
From this website, I can learned
about tense and I understanding tense more.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Out class week 3

I learned about listening vocabulary in this story.

Once upon a time there were three little pigs and the time came for the leave home and seek their fortunes. The first little pig built his house out of straw because it was the easiest to do. The second little pig built his house out of stricks. This was a little bit stronger than the straw house. The third little pig built hs house out of bricks. One day the big bad wolf came to the first little pig and the wolf did blow the house and the first little pig run to brother's house. The wolf then came to the house of sticks. The wolf blew that house and the second little pig run to the brother house. The wolf then came to house of bricks but he couldn't blow down that bricks house.

The little saw he wolf climb upon the roof and lit a roaring fire in the placed on it a large kettie of water. When the wolf finally found the hole in the chimney. he crawled down and kersplas into that kettle of water and that was the end of his troubles with the big bad wolf.

Out class week 2

wish clause

1. Wishes about the present and the future.
If you want to talk about your present situation. You can use this struction wish + past simple or continuous. For example
-I haven't got any money. I wish I had some money.
-I don't earn much money. I wish I earned a lot of money.
In the same from you can be use to talk in other situation.This structure is used to talk anther person and generally about things you don't like. The structure is wish+would/could+infinitive. For example.
-I wish you would keep borrowing money from me.

2.Wishes about the future and the present.
When you talk about the future, you use the same structure as you use to talk about present states. In the theory this cases can't be changed. For example
-I have to go to dentist tomorrow. I wish I didn't have to go to the dentist tomorrow.

3.Wishes about the past
When you think about a situation in the past,naturally. You can't do anything to change it. The structure you use is wish+past perfect. For excample.
-You were too slow getting ready to go out. I wish you hadn't been so slow getting ready.

Learning log in class week 2 (19/11/2010)

Today in class the teacher teach me about Modolity, Ex auxiliary verb, can, could, will, would, should, shall, may, might, must and ought to.But this day I learn about can and could.The meaning of can and could in thai have many meaning. It can translation many mearning. "Can" use the ability in the present and "Could" use the ability in the past.
Forexample -Your sister can speak English well.
-The temperature can sometimes reach 40 C in April.
-You can take my car.
-Can you pass me the salt.
-He can run very fast.
-When he was young, he could run very fast.
-Can you turn on the light.
-Could you turn the light.
-I can't see you to day but I could see you to morrow.
Furthermore,I review knowledge about "communicative competences." is made up of four competence areas Linguistic, Sociolinguistic, Discourse and strategic.
1.Linguistics competence is knowing how to use the gramma, syntax and vocabulary of language
2.Sociolinguistics competence is knowing how to use and respond to language appropriately .
3.Discourse competence is knowing how to interpret the larger context and how to con struct longer stretches of language so that past make up a coherent whole.
4.Strategic competence is knowing ho to recognize and repair communication breakdowns.

Out Class week 1

In this week, I learned about Phonetics Symbol. I practic pronunciation by self in .com

Learning Log week 1 (12/11/2010)

week 1 (12/11/2010)

Today is first class of this subject. I can know objective of subject. Teacher talk about work is learning log and create blog for learning log.Learning log in this semester use the blog. In the blog have image or photos, speaking, listening, reading and writing for example news, song, e-mail and etc. It focuses on assessment of learning. Furthermore,teacher talk about teaching and learning are create mind, criticle mind, productive mind, responsible mind. First class of this subject make me know, that the process of learning and application blog.
I can be useful in the future

Wednesday, December 1, 2010