Thursday, December 2, 2010

Learning log in class week 2 (19/11/2010)

Today in class the teacher teach me about Modolity, Ex auxiliary verb, can, could, will, would, should, shall, may, might, must and ought to.But this day I learn about can and could.The meaning of can and could in thai have many meaning. It can translation many mearning. "Can" use the ability in the present and "Could" use the ability in the past.
Forexample -Your sister can speak English well.
-The temperature can sometimes reach 40 C in April.
-You can take my car.
-Can you pass me the salt.
-He can run very fast.
-When he was young, he could run very fast.
-Can you turn on the light.
-Could you turn the light.
-I can't see you to day but I could see you to morrow.
Furthermore,I review knowledge about "communicative competences." is made up of four competence areas Linguistic, Sociolinguistic, Discourse and strategic.
1.Linguistics competence is knowing how to use the gramma, syntax and vocabulary of language
2.Sociolinguistics competence is knowing how to use and respond to language appropriately .
3.Discourse competence is knowing how to interpret the larger context and how to con struct longer stretches of language so that past make up a coherent whole.
4.Strategic competence is knowing ho to recognize and repair communication breakdowns.

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