Sunday, January 23, 2011

week 9 (out class)

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce myself. My name is Uayporn Julirutchaneekorn. I’m a third year student in English major at faculty of Education, Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhut University. Today I will talk about Using cloze techniques to improve reading and writing abilities by Ratana Vattanapath and Songsri Soranastaporn. On this research can be divide into three topic, introduction , methodology, and results.

Now let look at the first aspect which is introduction. The rapid
growth of telecommunications networks and electronic commerce
worldwide has led to more competitiveness in business and
communications. English also plays a significant role. The person
able to communicate at a high ability level in English will have
unlimited opportunities in this growing global culture. So English
teacher at every level work harder and they work in a scientific way to
keep up the high quality of their teaching. In class research would
truly result in improved teaching and learning process.
One of these research open to research is cloze technique. Teaching
technique are eclectic according to both students’ and teacher,
proficiency in this study because cloze has been used to test reading
proficiency of native speakers and cloze has also been used to test
overall ESL proficiency. Cloze exercises are used in Thailand for
testing and exercises at all levels. Cloze test, as defined by Harolds S.
Madsen (1983), is a prose passage, usually a paragraph or more in
length from which words have been deleted. The student relies on the
context in order to supply the missing words. It is an integrative test
which Oller claims to be a valid and reliable device for measuring
overall language proficiency. The purpose of the study this study was
to investigate the effectiveness of the cloze teaching technique for
increasing the reading comprehension abilities of first year nursing
students at Mahidol University. This study was conducted. The first ,
to determine the abilities in English of nursing students, who were
categorized into three levels (low, medium, and high) learning
through the cloze teaching techniques. The second, to determine the
attitudes of nursing students learning through the cloze teaching

That’s all I would like to say about introduction and now let us turn to
methodology. Research methodology are the first, participants The
subjects of this study were 44 first year nursing students of mahidol
University. They are from Siriraj Hospital and they attended English
class in the first and second semester of the 2003-2004 academic year.
The second, The research design are the pre-test of 50 question
consisting of grammar, reading comprehension, and cloze was given
to the students before the teaching procedure. Then, the students were
taught and trained with cloze exercises in regular English class for 10-
15 minutes once a week. The training took 14 weeks for each
semester. Finally, the post-test was given to the students after
finishing the teaching. The third , research instruments are tests.
Which is used for both pre-test and post-test for this study, was
developed by the researchers. Lesson plans , the lesson plans for this
group were constructed on the basis of the objective and goals of the
department of foreign language. Teaching materials are strategies for
success is a teaching material for training students how to read
English textbooks effectively. Say It Right is used for training
students to pronounce English words, phrases, and sentences
correctly. Passages helps students apply what they learned in
strategies for success. Function for future career helps familiarize
students with language functions that they will use in their future
career. Listening in Situation challenges students to use English in
various contexts from everyday life and nursing. Outside Reading
Materials encourages students to apply reading strategies and
language functions outside the classroom as well as to familiar them
with authentic materials to science and health science. That’s all I
would like to say about research methodology and now let us turn to results. The results of the study reveal that every student of the group
improved his or her English ability significantly after being taught
using the cloze technique. They can use the cloze teaching technique when they have to take the test.

I’d like to summarize up in this presentation we see about using
cloze technique to improve reading and writing abilities. It can
developed reading and writing abilities. The cloze technique can used
in class. Cloze greatly improves a student's English ability. Grammar
and vocabulary play important roles in reading comprehension. Once
students clearly understand the grammar and have the ability to guess
the meaning of unfamiliar words in contexts, they can comprehend
what read easier.
I would like to finish by reminding everyone that have a question.


  1. Good job! Ja Today you present are verry good but you should speak more louly. I thank your presrntation are excellent.

  2. It's o.k. but I think you should speak more louder.
